Getting back inactive memory on Mac.

     OS X has the habit of keeping recently closed applications in memory so that if they are run again, they load quickly. The part of physical memory used for this purpose is called “Inactive memory”. The “System Memory” tab on the Activity Monitor application gives a break-down of the physical memory, including available free and inactive memory. Because of the way OS X behaves, you may or may not notice your system running low on “free” memory every now and then. This discovery could perplex you, because despite being low on free memory, you can load applications and go about doing your work. This is possible because inactive memory can be released by the OS X kernel’s memory management subsystem on demand. If it finds that the system is running short on free memory, and the user has started an application that is not already loaded in inactive memory, it will gladly comply and release enough of inactive memory to be able to run the requested application.

     I recently found a command line utility on OS X to release most of inactive memory. It is called, “purge”. The short description for “purge”, from its man page, states that its use forces the disk cache to be purged. The “disk cache” actually refers to “inactive memory”. To run this command, you have to type “purge” on (or any other Terminal application that you use). For example:

(Ayaz@mbp) [0] [~]
$ purge

     Before running the purge command, the memory breakdown on my system looked like:

     After the purge command ran, inactive memory went from 858MB down to 270MB.

     You will notice that the system becomes a little unresponsive while purge is flushing the disk cache. That’s fine and nothing to worry about.

     If you can’t find purge on your system, it could be because you have not installed XCode and accompanying development tools. These are available in one of the OS X installation discs. You can now also pay and download XCode from the Mac App Store.

     Have fun and be nice!

Get all public interface IPs on a system using Python

     I recently came across a requirement in a project where I had to, in Python, programmatically extract all available public IPs on available interfaces on the machine the code would run. I looked around and settled with the following snippet of code that uses the built-in, standard socket Python module:

import socket
ip_list = [ip for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[2] if not ip.startswith("127.")]

     While this piece of code does find a public IP listening on any of the available interfaces, its restriction lies in not being able to return all public IPs on interfaces: It gives back just one IP.

     This wasn’t clearly sufficient. I looked around again, and this time, found a third-party Python module called pynetinfo. This module could make possible working with different network device settings.

     I rearranged the code around pynetinfo and produced this:

def get_inet_ips():
    import netinfo
  except ImportError:
    return None
    inetIPs = []
    for interface in netinfo.list_active_devs():
      if not interface.startswith('lo'):
        ip = netinfo.get_ip(interface)
    return inetIPs

     The code above loops through all available and active interfaces on the system, fetching and storing their IP in a simple datastructure. That got me all of the IPs available to a machine, excluding the loopback one, which the code was set to discard.

     But that wasn’t it. There was a slight problem. Not all the active interfaces on the system had public IPs. Some had private, local LAN IPs in the and subnets. The code above was returning all the IPs it could find, including public and private ones.

     I then found the netaddr third-party Python module which provided a Pythonic means of manipulating network addresses. I modified my code to use the netaddr module and got the following to boot with:

def get_inet_ips():
    import netinfo
    from netaddr import IPAddress, AddrFormatError
  except ImportError:
    return None
    inetIPs = []
    for interface in netinfo.list_active_devs():
      if not interface.startswith('lo'):
        ip = netinfo.get_ip(interface)
          ip_address = IPAddress(ip)
        except AddrFormatError:
          # If the IP is not private, use it.
          if not ip_address.is_private():
    return inetIPs

     The netaddr.IPAddress.is_private() method in the code above determines whether the given IP is part of any of the defined private networks.

     Admittedly, there is much room for improvement in the code above. I can only hope that if it doesn’t help, then at the very least it serves as an interesting read.